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Sunday, October 10, 2010

❈ thank you ❈

recently busy for my assignment.. 
thanks for all my kindness friends help me to finish up all mission on time =)
give me some idea for my assignment
let me see how their works (p/s: cant copy, got plagarism >.< )
hv to paraphrase.. happy to hear from my dear shy leoi said
ur grammar become better ^^ no much mistake~ woohuu~

some more wan to thanks about some one
chien hwee

he really help me lots 
find info for my assingment
check my audit assignment
help me finish my law presentation
although had to do until late nite, but he didnt complaint at all
still nicely helped me finished all =)
some more, he da pao dinner for me coz i no time to go out had dinner >.<
accompany me go out relax for one nite^^
thanks so much for what u did to me~ appreciate it =)

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