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Friday, June 4, 2010

*Single life back *

now my status is 
single and available

yes~ finally i made the choice
to break up with him
some one told me 
since you noe that u cant be together with him forever
how come not break up?
today not break~ one day in future still will be
so there is no difference to break now or future
unless you choose to suffer more 

yes~ it is true~
i dun wan to suffer anymore
i dun wan to cry because of his action and his words
i dun wan to continue put all my hopes for his caring 
i dun wan to put the trust on him
dun wan to be so silly to believe what he said
coz it maybe be different kind of things
what he said doesnt mean that he will do the same things
yes~ i believe it

i cant be a person that he can be with you at this time
sweet and said he love you so much
but the next second he can just flirt with another gals 
told the other that she is irreplaceable in his heart
i really cant accepted

whatever, now he doesnt mean anything to me
we are just FRIEND
and like before, he ask for recovery
he said he will change
but i refuse to hear all the excuse and fake promise again
i refuse to meet and hear his voice

this time~ i want to care myself more
protect myself against of getting hurt by him again
i want to be strong and determine

even though we still got message
but i will keep remind myself
he is not my mr right.. dun waste my time

gambateh~ christine tian^^
i sure you can do well this time
dun been hurt by him again and again
dun be so SILLY AND STUPID anymore!!!

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