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Friday, June 4, 2010

Recently relative and sister outings 。◕‿◕。

dun noe which day ~
me and my sister go to sg wang for shopping 0.0

i bankrupt recently~ 
how can i still can go for shopping
coz i got a ATM machine~ yip^^
and my sister support

@ sunway pyramid

and last saturday~ went to the garden with my aunty catherine and cousin
enjoy a great dinner^^
but my stomach not feeling well
ate a bit and start full ><
how i gonna to try other nice foods ?? T_T
that day i even went to toilet twice ... haiz......................

next day~ went to the garden again
nice movie and great and comfortable cinema
gsc in the garden

rm 23++ per person on weekend
damn expensive too~
but the seat super big and so comfortable~
thanks aunty catherine^^

buying popcorn^^ but i didnt ate 
coz already full until can vomit =( 
1st time didnt ate popcorn even it in front of me T_T

finish movie~
me and my sister @ cinema

and @ toilet xD
 thanks elaine ur jacket^^
coz inside so cold~ and i wear no sleeve 0.0

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