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Friday, October 15, 2010

*my beloved sister *

yappie~ today is a special day
because got lots of friends having birthday today
my dear susia~

and wan yin

somemore my dear friend susan's darling 

happy birthday to u all^^

by the way, my sister's birthday also drop by today^^
happy birthday to u

and i very grateful to have you in my life
although sometime we will argue
we will fight with some small thing
but we are sister always

u are always so important to me
we will be treat each other nicely after quarrel
we like to share everything with each other
no matter studies, relationship, problems we faced..
we like to hang out with each other
we like to chat and had fun all the time

we like to do everything together once we got the chance
we like shopping, dressing, eating, taking pictures, walk around
we like to chat, sharing, asking for opinion

hard to write down all the things
we just love each other deeply~

my dear sister TIAN WEN YEE
i love you forever~ enjoy ur birthday
hope you having fun with ur friends and
wish to meet up with u soon^^


  1. Your sister is pretty. Happy belated birthday to her :)

  2. thanks~ i think she will be happy to hear that =)
