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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

♥ Bag ♥

just try to write in mandarin, but still feel like super slow while typing =.=
change back to english better
why i blogging at this moment?? simple reason
i cant sleep >.<

today i went to KLCC
my 1st time go there shopping and i went there by myself =)
so great i didnt get lost xD
my fren, teo want to fetch me but i keep saying i can go by myself
his office is just nearby to KLCC, purposely come sunway and fetch me back to KLCC
kinda wasted time =.= 

it really a high class shopping centre
and full with those branded shop
wanna buy a bag for myself and keep looking for
lastly found one carlo rino bag but it still cost rm 270+ after discount =.=
plan to buy a bonia bag for my mum but the bag that she like, is rm 1200 (faint~~~)
have to plan work hard and earn more money
just only can hit my shopping list target

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