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Monday, October 25, 2010


19 OCT 2010
yeah~ i finish all my tough and challenging assignmentssss
some more finished my last assignment earlier =)
this is the first time i accomplish the mission so early
because i got the motivation
mrT promise me will bring me go to KLCC if i finish my last assignment on Monday

in order to achieve the goal, yesh~ i put all my effort and sacrifice my time for sleeping
done all by 2 day^^

but his working place just nearby KLCC so i decided to go there by myself
and refuse him to be my driver xD
take taxi to Kelana Jaya and took LRT straight away and reached KLCC
there really fulls with branded outlets and high class and premium designed
love it^^ but just a lil bit small =X

mrT come and meet me and brought me to DOME had our dinner
but there is not a suitable cafe for dinner, it famous with bread i think
so our foods, spaghetti was .... 2 stars =.=

i order cheese spaghetti but it too cheesy >.< i dun like it
mrT is very thrifty , so he helped finished up the foods
and i ate half of his tomato spaghetti =) 
p/s : he also want to gain weight, so i helping him =)

mrT brought his camera out, that why he become my personal photographer
he dun like to take pictures, so no his pictures on that day =.=

after dinner, we went for shopping and looking for my bags.
but ultimately, i still cant find it T_T
and found one of the Carlo Rino bag, but it still expensive after discount
so i get nothing in the end =.=
mrT said my birthday is coming, maybe my friends will give me a bag
will it be? hope so =)

after 10pm, all the shops closed and we went to outdoor
sat on the staircase and chating
i also bought the ice green tea blended for myself
and as what mrT said i will get sugar rush and cant sleep on that night z.z.z
(slept at 4am ++ )

before went back, took last pic.. MIU MIU bags are well designed and classic
but it super expensive >.<

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