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Sunday, September 26, 2010

UnderStresss T_T

now start doing my assignments
swt =.= now just wanna start
my dear shy leoi already finish and enjoying her holiday now


but my mood ups and down
enjoyed with my friends~ 
alone in the room facing this lame laptop
haiz... keep make me concentrate on finding info
but no more than 15min i will go and surf for other things
facebook, blog and youtube =.=

how am i gonna finish my assignments`~~~

recently attend lots of birthday celebration 
and satisfy to sing k and had fun with them =)
share some pic here that
last last thursday i went to VU nite~ finally^^
it was great and i enjoyed and had fun whole day long 
@ Sunway Resort
by the way i get the lucky draw^^

birthday celebration @ Subang Neway
happy birthday to Jing Xin

Jing Zhe birthday celebration =)
@Tony Romas and Little Bally

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