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Saturday, September 18, 2010

nice day^^

wanna to update my blog but
strong power to block me from typing xD

i want to share for what happened today =)
same as usual, wake up around 8.30 and prepare to work
at midvalley, as a promoter
took shuttle bus and rapid kl..
take a super healthy vegetarian mixed rice as my breakfast
full like~~~ HELL >.<

then start working and do my revision in my shop
coz i going to sit for a test for tax law next monday.
OMG~!! it onli left for two days
now is one day!!!!! T.T

no much ppl and i chit chat with my colleges
had fun with them.
start felt hungry and they treat me free panda mooncake~
i love it^^

den my aunty catherine come and support me
and invite for dinner with them~
ITALLIANESE.. the foods are so delicious and yummy
but big portion
we 7 peoples, include 2 children
order 6 kind of meals
is LOTS~~ make me full dou~~~~~~~ 
the waiter still ask us want to order appetizer not =.=

thanks for my aunties~~
and after that aunty lily oso come my shop and bought a iphone case =)
and i end up finish work at 10pm (normally i shud off by 9pm)
den my nice colleges sent me back =) that all for today~

love today much^^

now going for my revision for tax law again >.<

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