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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

..❈ short update ❈..

me~ my sister~ evonne
celebrated my grandpa birthday on 5th june^^
wonderful night and dinner~ and we had loooooots fun there =D

just s.t.r.e.s.s for my CLD
all the past year question are mix with topicsss
haiz.. cant pick and choose and do my revision
instead, i have to do it ALL
within TWO DAYS!!!

it gonna drive me crazy ><
cry out just now T_T
now get my lovely dumpling from my dad
dun worry for my meal again~~
i got the dumplingssss =)

cheerssss, and start my revision NOW!!!

by the way~
i still thinking of something
should i publish my blog???
reopen for everyone?? 
pls give me some ideassss~~~~

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