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Saturday, June 26, 2010

。◕‿◕。 ➹ hoooooliday ➹

my holiday reach xD
the best day i ever wish and count down for it
during my final exam period

how my final???
i dun noe~ it passed. 
and i dun wan to care about it
check it out on 2nd july >.<

tuesday (22/6)
i slept for 3 hours and went for my last paper IBF
finished it at 12.15pm
straight went to take my lunch and sing k with my lovely frens
O.M.G. my most favourite entertainment^^
and i enjoyed it..
long time didnt sing, my skills really poorer now T_T
but anyway i had fun wit my frens ~ la la la~~

wednesday (23/6)
went out with my lovely roomate for movie~
hee.. my 2nd favorite entertainment
went to watch toy story 3

it was so great and touching for us
and she cried and i NO tears at all
p/s : i not cold blooded~ just not easy to feel touched only =.=

nite time~
my fren, pey shin back for moscow
she going to be a doctor aft 5 years 0.0
she came and stay over my house
we non-stop chit chat for our past
because we didnt meet each other for few years >.<
around midnite, she was hungry and we walked to mamak 
near the sunway pyramid to enjoy our supper @_@
went back and played facebook games and slept

thursday (24/6)
me and pey shin went to one u for shopping
but i was so hard to buy things recently
haiz.. maybe i not a shopaholic
or most the things i like, i already get it =.=

nite time, we went back to sunway
and her uncle came and pick her up
goodbye pey shin~ hope we can meet each other soon again
and hope u sweet sweet with ur darling^^

around 10pm, went to midvalley with yip
planned to watch karate kid but the showtime was so late 12am ++
then he suggest us to watch the first show of "the legend is born, ip man"

yes~ it was a great fighting movie
first show and the cinema was full with supporters
friday (25/6)
another movie session waiting for me xD
with my frens~ watched the team A

i heard lots of ppl recommend it was a great movie
yap =) it was awesome
the guys was so smart and brave
love the movie much

nite time~ went to have dinner with yip
at the mamak stall 
lots of ppl there because of the world cup
the most exciting match portugal vs brazil
and there was lots of brazil supporters around us
1st time felt the FIFA hot xD

back to aunty house

today (26/6)
my neck was so pain when i woke up
until now it still havent recovery
my aunty irene helped me massage
it get a lil effect but still suffer too >.<
hope tmr i can get well soon =)

tomorrow going to celebrate my lovely cousin
evonne ho sweet 17th birthday =)
hope i will be fine and enjoy there..

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